方柱中全家福 方柱中夫妇



英文原作Janeta fong中译方柱中

编者按 方柱中为美国Nebraska州Creighton University 的数理教授且擅音乐。编者与方教授相识近30年。他和妻子Janeta 都非常爱主,夫妇甚相爱,值得羡慕。本文由他妻子Janeta 用英文撰稿,方教授译成中文。他们共有子女八人,对子女的教养甚是成功,故特邀他们将他们的家和教育子女的经验刊於家庭园地与读者分享。















(诗篇 139:13-16)









Janeta Fong

“And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it…” Genesis 1:27,28a

And the LORD God created the earth: it was a divine plan, a divine arrangement, initiated and carried out-all that it is and all that He made. In those first hours of life for the human beings God crated commandments for their lives. These first two were ‘man’…both the male and the female.

God brought the first male and the first female together creating the first marriage. The first marriage was blessed by God. Marriage was blessed by God. And in blessing them, He told them how to live together to honor Him.

His plan continues to this moment. As we read these verses from the first book of the Bible Genesis, we are given an opportunity to evaluate ourselves and our marriages. How do we view marriage? God established a marriage with the one man and the one woman. How do we view man and woman? How do we view our parents, our husband or wife, our son or daughter? Do we remember that they are visible representations of God? Man (male) is in God’s image! Woman(female)is in God’s image! Equally valued by God.

This understanding can and should change the very way we speak to and of each other. It can and should change the way we treat each other. We need to remember the other is first of all made in God’s image. It can also change the way we think of ourselves. You are made in the image of God. I am made in the image of God. From conception each child, male or female, is designed by God and made in His image. It is not a value that begins with adulthood. We are informed of God’s special creation and plan for each male and female conceived – given life by God through the mother and father:

For You formed my inward parts;

You wove me in my mother's womb.

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well.

My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;

Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;

And in Your book were all written

The days that were ordained for me,

When as yet there was not one of them. Psalm 139:13-16

How valuable are we? We are God’s creation and in His image, in His likeness. Even our inward parts were distinctly planned by God…male and female.

Man and woman sinned: Genesis 3 tells this history of the first man and woman. Did both man and woman cease to be in the image of God when they sinned? As a result did every child born after that not have the image and likeness of God? According to God’s Words, they did not cease to be in God’s image. Genesis 9:6: “Whoever shed’s man’s blood, by man his blood is shed, for in the image of God He made man.”

When young and energetic, it is easy to consider the other – your husband or wife – as being in the image of God – attractive and wanted. But time, age, and experiences make great changes in our appearance from our wedding day. Still, we are in God’s image and we must remember that we are each still God’s creation. And if a child is conceived in that marriage is it remembered that God is designing that child in secret to bless your home and the world He gives it to – male and female, God’s gift?

My parents are 82 and 83 years old; they have been married sixty-one years. My husband and I have been married 33 years. In so many ways we are reflecting the aging process that people experience. My parents still care for each other in their home and still love and care for the one who was made in God’s image and became their partner in marriage and life, though they only slightly resemble the persons we see in their wedding photographs. My husband and I reflect many of those same changes.

As we look at each other, let us treasure the other and thank God for how he made us and who we are: his creation; male and female, each in God’s image, according to His likeness.