They urge him to return.

Christian, for that was the man’s name, asked them, “Good neighbors, why have you followed me?” “We came to urge you to return with us.” “That can never be” he replied. “You live in the City of Destruction, and I know that that city will Be destroyed with fire. If you remain there you will be destroyed with it. My good neighbors, come along with me.”“And leave our friends and comforts behind?” said Obstinate. “Yes, ”Christian replied,  “that is just what I ask you to do. The friends and pleasures of which you speak  cannot compare with the joys which I seek. and if you are willing to go along with me and remain steadfast, you will receive all that I do.”


基督徒就是那人的名子, 問他們說:「好憐居, 你們為什麼跟著我?」「我們來勸你和我們一同回去。」他回答:「那是絕對不能的, 你們住在將城, 如果你們留在那城裡, 也要一同被毀滅。我的好隣居呵, 請和我一同走罷!」固執說:「難道叫我們捨了朋友和安樂來跟隨你麼?」「是的」。基督徙回答:「這就是我要求你們的, 你們所說的怏樂, 斷不能和我所尋求的, 你們所說的怏樂, 斷不能和我所尋求後, 你們就可和同享受我將要得著的一切  好處。」


What are the things you seek?

Obstinate asked, ”What are the thing  You seek, since you are willing to leave all the world to find them?” “I seek an : inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, that fadeth not away,” said Christian (I Peter 1:4). “It is safely laid up in Heaven, and any man who diligently Seeks it will receive it. Read this book And you will understand.” “Tush!” said bstinate. “ Away with your Book! Will you  go back with us or not?” “NO,”

answered Christian. “I have already laid my hand to the plough, and I will not turn back.”



固執問:「你捨了這世界的一切去尋找的究竟是休麼呢?」基督徒說「我所尋求的是不能朽壞不能砧汙, 不能衰殘的基業 (彼前1/4), 它是安全的存留在天上, 凡努力尋找的人, 就必得著(11/16)你讀這本書就能知道了。」「咄」固執說:「丟下你的書罷。你窮竟願不願意和我們一同回去?」「不!」基督徒回答:「我己經手扶著犂, 義無反顧」(9:62)


Obstinate accuses Christian of lnsanity,

“Come,neighbor Pliable,”Obstinate urged, “let us go home without him, This crazy person is full of empty words,He thinks he is clever and no one is his equal”But pliable answered, “Don’t make fun of him Christian is a good man.If what he say is true, I think! Shall go with him.” “What! More fools still?”exclaimed Obstinate in disgust. “You had better come along with me .Who knows where this crazy fellow will teke you? Come back! Don’t be a fool!”







Christian pleads,but Obstinate refuses to listen.

Christian pleaded with Obstinate, “Don’t tell him to go back! Both of you come along with me.The happiness and glory I spoke of are real If you don ‘t believe me, just read what is written in this Book Every word is true The  writer of the Book shed His blood for a token.”Then Pliable said to Obstinate, “Friend,I think I will go along with this good man and endure hardship with him.” Turning to Christian,he said, “Friend,do you know the way to the place you seek?” “Evangelist showed me that beyond this plain there is a narrow gate.” Christian replied. “When we get there someone,will tell us what road to take next” “Good!”said Pliable. “Let us both be on our way.”






Obstinate returns home

I will not be companion to such crazy, ignorant people,said Obstinate. “I’m going home.”In my dream Isaw Christian and Pliable slowly proceed over the plain, walking and talking together. Christian: Neighbor Pliabie,I am so glad you listened to me and came along. If Obstinate had felt the powers and terrors of the unseen as I have,he would not so lightly have tumed back, Pliable: Now that you and I are alone ,neighbor Christian, tell me more about the place where we are going .What kind of pleasure are there and how are they to be enjoyed? Christian: This matter I cen feel better with my heart than explain with my lips. But since you wish to understand, I will read you he words of the Book.










The two men walk along together.

Pliable: Do you think the words of the Book are true. Christian: Certainly,for it was written by Him who cannot enter and where we shall live forever. Pliable: And what else? Christian: Crowns of glory will be given us, and garments that will make us shine like the sun, Pliable: That is won derful! And what else? Christian: In that place there is no sorrow nor crying. The Lord of that land will wipe away all tears from our eyes (Rev.21:4). Pliable: Who will be our companions? Christian: Heavenly creatures whose brightness will dazzle our eyes. Also thousands and ten thousands who have gone before us. Everyone there is pure in heart, loving and holv.






As they talk they come to the Slough of Despond.

Christian: Many of the saints in that kingdom have suffered at the hands of the world because of their love and obedience to the Lord. Some had been cut to pieces, some had been burned in the fire, some had been drowned, and others eaten by beasts .But now they are all clothed with immortality as with a garment. Pliable: What you say thrills me, but how are these things to be enjoyed? How are we to share them? Christian: The Lord has written in the Book that if we are willing to ask He will freely give them to us. Pliable: I am glad to hear all this. Come on, let us make haste to get there. Christian : I cannot go so fast because of the burden on my back..

Then in my dream I saw that they drew near to the Slough of Despond, a very miry bog in the middle of the plain.






They fall into the Slough

Busily talking and heedless of the way, they both fell suddenly into the bog. In this mire they wallowed around till their clothes were covered with mud Because of the burden on his beck, Christian began to sink“How did we get into this mess?”asked Pliable.Christian replied, “Truly, I don not know.”Beginning to be offended,Pliable said angrily, “Is this the happiness of which you spoke?”

