38  “Why did you turn aside?”`

then said Evangelist,Are you not the man found crying outside the walls of the City of Destruction?

Christian: Yes, I am the man. Evangelist: Did I not direct you to the narrow gate?  Christian: yes.

Evangelist: How is it then that you are so quickly turned aside? Christian: Right after I had gotten out of the Slough of Despond, I met a gentleman who persuaded me that I might find a man in the village before me who could take off my burden. Evangelist: Who was he? Christian: He looked like a gentleman and talked to me until I yielded. So I came here. But when I got to this hill I was afraid it would fall on my head, so I dared not go forward lest I be crushed to death.












基督徒: 「就在我离了忧郁潭后我遇见一位绅士,他劝我到前面村庄去找一个人,他能拿去我的重担。」







39 Evangelist continues to question Christian.

Evangelist: What did this man say to you? Christian: He asked where I was going, and I told him.

Evangelist: And what did he say thenChristian: He asked if I had a family. I said I had, but that I was weighed down by this burden on my back I could net enjoy them as I used to do. Evangelist: And what did he say then? Christian: He told   me to get rid of my burden quickly. When I told him I was going to the narrow gate to get directions to the place of deliverance. he said he would show me a better and a shorter way, one not so attended with difficulties as the way you set me in. so I believed him and turned out of the right way and came there in the hope of getting rid of my burden sooner. But when I got here and saw things as they are, I stopped for fear. Now I don’t know what to do.














40.  Evangelist sternly rebukes Christian.

Evangelist: Still a white and listen, that I may show you the words of God. Christian stood trembling as Evangelist read from the Word:See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake  on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh  from heaven(Heb.12:25).He said moreover,Now the just shall live by faith; but if any man drawback, my soul shall have no pleasure in him(Heb.10:38).Evangelist then applied these words to Christian.You have turned aside from the way of peace into this dangerous place and almost lost your life.



基督徒战竞地站立听传道读  上帝的话:「你们总要谨慎,不可弃绝那向你们说话的。因为那些弃绝在地上警诫他们的尚且不能逃罪何况我们违背那从天上警诫我们的呢?」(来12:25)他又说:「祇是义人必因信得生。他若退后我心里就不喜欢他。」(来10:38)然后传道将这些话用在基督徒身上说:「你曾离弃平安的正路而进入危险之地,并且几乎丧命。」




41.  Christian bitterly repeats.

Hearing  these words, Christian fell down and cried out,Woe is me, for I am undone!but Evangelist caught him by the hand, saying, All manner of sin and blasphemies shall be forgiven unto men. Be not faithless but believing (cf.Matt.12:31;John 20:27).Christian revived and stood trembling before.

Evangelist: Evangelist continued,Give more earnest heed to the things I an going to show you. I will show you who it was that deluded you and to whom be sent you. The man that met you is Worldly

Wiseman. He is well named, because he is worldly and he loves morality and the laying up of virtue. He will not listen to the teaching of the cross and salvation.







42.  Three errors in Worldly Wiseman’s advice.

There were three errors in Worldly Wiseman’s advice: he turned you out of the true way, he tried to make the cross odious to you, he sent you on the way that leads to death.





