信心的眼光        約爾歐斯汀

是那叫死人復活, 使無變有的神.” (4:17)

有一件事我曾學習的就是神呼召未成的事如同已成的, 未見的事如同已有的. 祂沒有照著你現在的樣子呼召你, 祂乃是根據祂對你的看法呼召你. 因為祂是以祂的話來創造的, 而你也可以如此行.

當我在11年前父親被主接去後, 接續他牧養教會時, 我很懼怕, 因我沒有牧會的經驗, 我覺得沒有資格, 有脅迫感. 但我裡面卻有一個安靜微小的聲音對我說: “約爾, 你是可以的, 你能作一切的事, 你有所需要的能力, 你在主裡是剛強的.”  神在呼召我成為一個原本我所不是的人.我並非勇敢和剛強, 充滿了信心的人, 我是個軟弱, 沒有安全感的人. 然而我不知為何, 我卻相信神所說的關乎我的事, 這不是一夜即成的, 乃是漸漸的, 我就逐漸成為神所呼召我所成為的人.

今天, 神要我們學習祂的榜樣, 呼召那些未見的事物如同它們已有了. 通過信心的眼光來看且呼叫這些好像已經成就了. 不斷地講出信心的話來, 一直禱告, 繼續相信, 一直往前走到祂為你所命定光明前境.

禱告:  父神, 我揀選以信心的眼光來看一切的事物和周遭的環境, 呼召未成的事如同已成的, 無論發生何事, 我宣告在我生命中每一層面的得勝. 謝謝主賜給我信心的禮物.


Joel Osteen

One thing I have learned is that God calls the things that are not as if they already are. He does not call you what you are, He calls you the way He sees you. That is because He creates with His words, and you do too.

When I stepped to pastor the church 11 years ago after my father went to be with the Lord, I had never ministered before, I was afraid, I felt unqualified, inexperienced, and intimidated. The whole time, on the inside, I could hear the still, small voice saying: “Joel, you are well able, you can do all things, you have what it takes. You are strong in the Lord.” God was calling me something that I was not. I was not strong, bold and confident. I was weak, insecure and intimidated.  Somehow, I had the faith to believe what God said about me. It did not happen overnight, but little by little, I became what God called me.

Today, follow His way, and call things that are not as though they are. Look through your eyes of faith and call it like you see it. Don’t use your words to talk about your situation, use your words to change your situation.  Keep speaking words of faith, keep praying, keep believing and keep moving forward into the bright future He has for you.

    PRAY:  Father God, today I choose to look through my eyes of faith and call things that are not as though they are. I declare victory over every area of my life no matter what is happening around me. Thank You for Your gift of faith. Amen.